Saturday, August 16, 2008

whats the point?...

of orthodox jewish women shaving their heads and then wearing really cheap wigs? is it to be more pious? closer to god? i don't think it accomplishes those things. in the end they just look like strangely conservative alopecia patients...
what if all the hair for locks of love was really going towards the orthodox jewish community. now that would be something.


Sharon said...

they shave their heads cause they're supposed to only be attractive to their husbands. i don't think they wear cheap wigs on purpose -- i've seen some rather nice ones -- but the point is to be neat and modest-looking, not to give off the aura that they're hot and totally available.

mm said...

having hair doesn't make one hot or available... it makes one human.

Unknown said...

if the point is to be attractive only to their husbands i have to wonder...are the husbands actually attracted to their bald wives? i imagine the wigs come off in the bedroom?

Sharon said...

don't even get me started on when and how and under what circumstances orthodox women (exactly the sort who would be shaving their heads) are allowed to even have sex with their husbands.

Unknown said...

once they're married, Orthodox shag like rabbits. also, it's not all orthodox who shave their heads. usually, only Hasidic Jews. some keep their hair underneath the wigs which actually happen to be quite expensive, even if they look otherwise.